
Based on Article 23 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, this is about accessibility and the right to education, which must also be guaranteed for people with special needs.

Misunderstandings, prejudices, discrimination. With the first glance, we sort people into pigeonholes. If we allow the second glance to open the drawers, it turns out: In reality, everything is quite different. Based on Article 23 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, it is about accessibility and the right to education, which must also be guaranteed for people with special needs.

Director: Jimmy Mulei

Camera: Fabio Peissl, Jared Chochi

Edit: Susan Nzomo

Sarah Prieschl, Anja Kreindl und Fabian Purstinger aus Österreich und Maureen Wausi, Elijah Abuga, Ann Kitili und Mary Grace Kiio aus Kenya

A very special thanks to
Rosemarie Tauschek