Why is the right to leisure, play, art and culture so important for young people?
What moves young people in Pikine, a suburb of Dakar, and in Traun? What do they do in their free time here and there and what do they have in common? Six young people from Austria and Senegal have made a film out of this and let us share their innermost thoughts.
Ein Film von und mit / A film by and with / Un film de et avec
Azra Karaguezel
Mamadou Ndiaye
Tanja Miletic
Aminata Sylla
Vanja Miletic
Mamy Coumba Kanté
Sandra Krampelhuber
Kamera / Caméra
Katharina Simunic
Massaly Baldé
Ton / Sound / Son
Nathalie Halla
Cheikh Seye
Schnitt / Editing / Montage
Katharina Simunic
Post-Production Audio
Christian Ghahremanian
Musik / Music / Musique
von / de Mamy Coumba Kanté, Mamadou Ndiaye, Aminata Sylla
(c)Africulturban 2022
“Central Cee x Tialola Beat”
von / de Babacar Fall
(c)Africulturban 2022
Übersetzung/ Translation / Traduction
Azra Karaguezel
Vanja Miletic
Mamy Coumba Kanté
Sandra Krampelhuber
Sprachen / Languages / Langues
Deutsch, Französisch, Türkisch, Serbisch, Wolof, Pulaar
Français, Allemand, Turc, Serbe, Wolof, Pulaar
Produktion / Production
Suzie Léger
Dieynaba Sidibé
Abou Sow
Avec le soutien de / With the kind support of / Unterstützt von
Association Africulturban
Die Schweigende Mehrheit
HAK Traun
Nous remercions / With special thanks to / Spezieller Dank an
Claudia Adlung
This short film was produced as part of the project “Hands off my rights – Don’t mess with my rights! Seven transcontinental teams of young people have produced short films for this project. One of them is published every week.