Seven groups of Austrian young people worked together with young people in Cameroon, Mexico, the Philippines, Rojava (northern Syria), Senegal, Kenya and Equatorial Guinea to produce short films on children’s rights.
Under the guidance of renowned filmmakers, a total of 30 very different films were produced: Fiction films, short documentaries, music videos and animated films, which were presented in cinemas in December 2022 and will be published here.

Short versions of some of the films also appear on Instagram, Facebook (Kinderfressen leicht gemacht) and Mastodon.

If you would like to be informed about the release of the films and the project or would like to book film workshops, please email us at:

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School completely different?
Water. Water. Avê
Child labour
Climate Change
Amina, one of many.
Untold – What, If Not The Streets
Free space – Espacio libre
Stop bullying!
The last day/ Le Dernier Jour
We want our rights to be heard!
We got the power
My Voice My Freedom
Violence Around The World
I’m F.I.N.E
Just Another Day
Say something, Sarah! – Parle-moi, Sarah!
5R, please!
Girl power
Family before education
Against the current

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Austrian youths interview experts on child labor and supply chain law:

Have you personally experienced child labor?

Child labor is now banned in most countries. However, this does not mean that the exploitation of children is really effectively combated and prevented. Viennese young people asked experts about this.
Have you personally experienced child labor?

Child labor in my cell phone?

The raw material coltan in our cell phones is mined in Congo by children under extremely exploitative conditions. What can you do to make your phone calls fair? Young people in Vienna asked experts.
Child labor in my cell phone?


Almost all of the big chocolate companies use cocoa produced with exploitative child labor. What chocolate can you eat if you don’t like child labor?

Child labor in times of pandemic

The pandemic is affecting children around the world. How does it affect children in poorer countries? Expert Herbert Wasserbauer knows.
Child labor in times of pandemic

Child labor – what to do?

Millions of children do not get their rights. Children and young people therefore ask experts what can be done about it.  
Child labor – what to do?