Untold – What, If Not The Streets

Vocational school students from Linz and Nairobi asked themselves where young people who cannot or do not want to live with their parents can turn to and interviewed Gerhard Eisschill, the director of a crisis centre in Linz, Peter Mutechura, the director of a home for boys in Nairobi and the director of the secondary school in the Mukuru slum in Nairobi.

By Purity Ambege, Nicole Gastlehner, Simon Klimitsch, Patrick Makau, Diana Muhonja, Brendah Ojiambo, Daniel Török
Coaches: Alexis Neema & Tina Leisch – Camera: Jared Chochi, Nicole Gastlehner, Daniel Török, Simon Klimitsch, Paul Hoheisel, Natascha Rammer – Special thanks to Rosemarie Tauschek.

A project of the Silent Majority
With the support of ADA- Austrian Development Agency / Land Oberösterreich Kultur / Dreikönigsaktion der Österreichischen Jungschar / OeAD